The ZooBerry project scope has grown from backing up just ZooMania, Northern Skies, and Artifex. We will now commit to backing up the following mod libraries as well:
- ZooMania
- Northern Skies
- ZT2 Design Centre
- Artifex
- Penguika
- Penguin’s Peak
- Shen’s Den
- Zoo Tycoon Hideout
- Zoo Tycoon Volcano
With permissions from: John (ZTH), Penguinman (Various), ShenTirag (Shen’s Den), Incinerox (ZTV), and myself (Various).
This is a long-term project so these files might not be up right away, but as always expect end-of-month summaries to see itemized lists of mods added. If you would like to help, feel free to see our pending files master sheet. Any missing files are marked and we would welcome any leads if you can find them!