Fennec Fox by Goosifer

I’ll go ahead and kickoff the personal projects section. Back in May of this year I started working on my first Zoo Tycoon 1 animal. Here’s the progression so far:

May 18:
Screenshot 2023-05-18 211257

Screenshot 2023-05-18 220244

May 19:

Here’s my awful attempt at painting it with a photo stencil:

Screenshot 2023-05-19 005410

May 20:

Completely redone the model. Wasn’t happy with the topology on the old one…plus old one was missing eye sockets, visible mouth, and nose. New one still needs some work though. Kind of learning as I go.

Screenshot 2023-05-20 061139

May 23:

I just need to fix the ears and I think I can begin animating. I think that without the distinctive pointy look then it just looks like a shiba inu with rabbit ears lol. Did I go too far in the other direction with the stylized look? I’m not sure that it will matter zoomed out.

Zoomed out:
Screenshot 2023-05-23 001136

Zoomed in:
Screenshot 2023-05-23 001006

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The following is feedback I received at ZooTek:

On 05-23-2023, Hendrix said:
The eyes are too small for a fennek. The part under the shoulder / behind the elbow region bulges out.

On 05-23-2023, Goosifer said:
Yeah they’ve been a problem (the eyes). I think that handwaving them was a mistake early on as they’ve sort of exacerbated the problems with the rest of the snout. Good call, I’ll smooth over the shoulder, thank you.

It’s been a while since the last update considering my recent ZooBerry project, summer research at uni, and the EMU release coming up. My ‘soft goal’ is to have this all done and released by end of August. We’ll see!

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